Wednesday 19 December 2012

3rd draft




SCENE 132/1.EXT HOME                                                                    (8:00)

(Steven and Lindsey are walking out of the house, the neighbours stare as they get into the car)

Why does she have to stare at us like that?

(Starts the engine) I don’t know Lindsey just ignore it

(There is an awkward silence until they reach the next set of lights)

(Turns head to Lindsey) Are you okay Lindsey?

(Lindsey ignores her dad and stares out the window)

132/2.EXT CHURCH                                                                                  (8:30)

(Steven’s close friends and family are waiting outside the church Debbie is rooting around in her bag)

I wonder where they are, there twenty minutes late…ring them will you

They’ll be here in a minute, don’t be so inpatient mum
(Lindsey and Steven are seen driving up the road)
See they’re here now

(Family and friends approach the car as they get out everyone is silent)

Right well, we all know why we’re here (stares around) let’s get on with it
(Steven grabs his jacket out of the car, swings it over his shoulder and heads toward the church, Lindsey, family and friends follow)

132/3.INT HOUSE                                                                                            (9:00)

(Back at Amanda’s house)

(Shouting pacing up and down the room) I can’t believe they didn’t invite me. How can they not invite ME I was her best friend, yeah we had a small argument but so? We were still best friends, she would of wanted me there

(Sat on the sofa with a brew in his hand watching television) There is no point in shouting to me about it, if you’re that bothered then just go, they are most likely not going to make a scene about you being there

I can’t just show up with no invite or anything… (Stops pacing) actually yes I can, yes I can, he can’t stop me can he?...right I’m going
(Amanda grabs her keys and coat and heads to the door)

Okay I’m going,
(Amanda slams the door and gets into the car)

(Whispering to herself) I can do this, I can do this
(Amanda puts the keys in the car sits and stares out the window)

(Banging on the window)

You forgot your bag!!

(Amanda winds her window down and takes the bag)

Don’t tell me you hope it goes okay… its fine

(Amanda winds her window up and drives away)

132/4. EXT CHURCH                                                                                       (9:15)

(Amanda pulls up next to the church and everyone starts to exit, she gets out the car and walks over to Steven)

(Whispering angrily) What do you think you’re doing here? You shouldn’t be here you wasn’t invited and I don’t want you here so please go home

(Whispering angrily) Listen I’m not here for trouble, I was her best friend, I have a right to be here, you might not want me here but she would’ve, I have a right to say goodbye just like all of these people, I just want to show some respect for my best friend

You weren’t mums ‘best friend’ when she died so you’re not her best friend now

(Still whispering angrily) Best friend? Really? Like Lindsey said you meant nothing to her when she died and you mean nothing to her now so go away

(Still whispering angrily) I’m staying no matter what you or Lindsey says, I know who I am to her and that’s all that matters, I know that whatever happened between us she would of wanted me here (Walks to her car)

(People approach Steven and shake his hand whilst Amanda sits and evilly glares at them)

Right I think we should all be moving along now, c’mon Lindsey (Places his arm around Lindsey and starts to walk her to the car)

(Steven and Lindsey both get into the car, Lindsey stares out the window at the church and a tear fall down her face)

Ey chicken, c’mon don’t cry your mum wouldn’t want you to be sad

You don’t know what mum would want, you’re not her, you don’t know, let’s just go

(Steven says nothing, starts the car and starts to drive away, all the other cars follow)

I didn’t mean to upset you back there

Let’s just not talk about I just want to get this day over with

132/4 INT PUB                                                                                                            (10:00)

(All the cars pull up outside the pub)

Right c’mon

(Both Lindsey and Steven get out the car and are greeted by the bar owner, they enter the pub were there are some guests already, they all look over as he walks in Steven smiles and walks to the bar)

(Looking at Lindsey whilst reaching into his back pocket to get out his wallet) What do you want to drink hun?

Nothing thanks, I’ll just go sit down

(Steven sighs and shakes his head, Lindsey sits down at a near seat and looks around to see a few people staring at her, she looks down and pulls out her phone)

(Walking over to Lindsey) Ey Lindsey my first ones free because it’s our event

LINDSEY:(Looks up to  her dad with a shocked face) How can you say that..

(Interrupting) Oh no hun, I didn’t mean it like that… your mum would want us to be happy not all sad

Dad it’s mums funeral so sorry if I don’t find your stupid jokes funny

I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you again…(Takes a sip of his drink) look Emily’s over there are you not going to say hello

Lindsey gets up and walks over to the door where Emily is stood)

Hey are you okay? Here this is for you (Reaches in her bad and pulls out a card, she reaches out to give it to Lindsey)

I’m as okay as I can be on a day like this, thanks for coming though I’m glad you’re here, my dad’s been trying to ‘lighten the mood’ all day and I’m not in the mood for him

Oh god, he has to just put on a brave face for everyone else and im sure he wants to keep you happy, have you not found anything else out yet?

Well I can tell you he’s not doing a very good job and nope nothing, I think I’m wrong, I haven’t found anything other than my dad acting strange but that’s bound to happen because he’s just lost his wife right?

Yeah that’s what it will be, (Looks over to Lindsey’s dad who is joined by a couple of friends) It must be hard for him, you shouldn’t be so uptight with him Lindsey especially on a day like this, I know you’ve lost your mum but he has lost his wife to

(Looks over to her dad) I know I shouldn’t but it’s just hard to not be today, I just can’t be happy

132/5. EXT PUB                                                                                                           (10:30)

(Outside there are a few people having a cigarette, a car pulls up and a woman gets out…phone rings)

Hello…yes I’ve just got here now, I shouldn’t be to long…about an hour or so...yeah, okay bye, bye
(Kate grabs her bag and walks into the pub)

132/6 INT PUB                                                                                                            (10:35)

(Kate stares around the pub, Steven notices her and walks over smiling)

Hey, I’m glad you made it

(Kate smiles back)

I can’t stay for too long, he’ll be wondering where I am

(Lindsey walks over)

Right well..

(Lindsey interrupts)

Who’s this dad?

Oh Lindsey I didn’t see you there, this is my err…secretary

Your secretary? That’s funny you’ve never mentioned you secretary before

That’s only because I don’t like to talk about work at home sweetheart…Kate this is my daughter, Lindsey

(Kate reaches out her hand to Lindsey, Lindsey ignores the gesture and walks over to the bar)

(To Barman) A coke please

Well its clear a certain someone doesn’t like me…and your secretary really? Could of thought of something better than that

Well I had to think on the spot she would’ve clicked on if I said you was a close friend of her  mum’s…anyway how long have you got?

Only about an hour, I told Jerry I was popping to my mum, the last thing I want right now is him going up there and asking where I am

Who cares what he does, I’m sure you can think of something, now come over here so we can have a proper talk

(Steven and Kate walk over to  less crowded area of the pub, Kate pulls her bag up to her shoulder and they both begin to whisper angrily each other)

I do care about him you know, none of this is his fault he shouldn’t be the one who gets hurt

Please you can’t be serious, I know what you care about, and it’s not him it’s what’s in his pocket

Your one to speak, you only married that despicable woman to get one over and me, and now look at you crawling back

Okay! Let’s stop this it’s not going to help, and I can see a certain someone is keeping a very close eye on us, so lets go over and act like we have just had a conversation about work okay?

You can’t just keep brushing this conversation off, its not just going to go away on it’s own

You don’t think I know that Kate, your part is as big as mine in this, but for now I need to put a brave face on for my daughter so come on

(Kate and Steven walk over to Lindsey)

(Stroking Lindsey’s hair) Sorry about that sweetheart we just had a to discuss some work

I’m just going to nip to the toilet, I won’t be long

Can I get you or drink or anything for when you come back?

No, best not I’m driving (Kate walks away)

So who is she really dad?

Kate?...She’s my secretary  darling

You really expect me to believe that you have never mentioned her before but she is your work secretary?...why’s she even here anyway she didn’t even know mum

What’s so hard to believe darling? She just has some trouble with some work so I told her where I am and I suggested she stopped for an hour, that’s all

Yeah okay whatever

(Kate walks out of the bathroom and Lindsey walks away and goes and sits with her best friend)

Who’s that then with you your dad?

He says it’s his secretary at work and she had a problem with work or something

And do you believe him?

I’m not sure, since mum died I don’t know what to believe

I can feel her staring Steven, I don’t like it

She’ll just be suspicious, it’s like all the young ones these days don’t worry I’ll sort it

We can’t be having people being suspicious Steve, especially your own daughter, not when where in a situation like this

I said I’d sort it and I will, the more you get worked up the more suspicious people will get, we just act like we are work mates and that will be it, trust me will you

Well sorry if I find it hard to trust people, I’ve ended up in this situation, it’s not exactly easy for me to trust

(Phone rings)

It’s him, I best take this outside

132/8. EXT PUB                                                                                                           (11:15)

Hey sweetheart

132/9. INT PUB                                                                                                           (11:15)

(Inside the pub Jessica and Lindsey stare out the window at Kate)

Who do you think she’s speaking to?

I don’t know, probably someone who she doesn’t want to know that she is here

Or maybe because it’s quiet outside? Things don’t have to always be drastic you know

C’mon it’s my dad nothing has ever been simple or straight forward since mum died.

(Kate puts the phone down and walks back to the pub, Jessica and Lindsey sit back down)

I best go, he’s wondering where I am


Yes already, I told you I didn’t have long, now are you going to walk me out?
(Steven puts down his pint and follows Kate out the door, Lindsey follows shortly after. Steven goes in to give Kate a kiss goodbye as she unlocks her car)

(Whispering angrily) what are you doing? Do you want us to get caught?

No of course not I just want a proper goodbye, it’s not a lot to ask, no one can see

This isn’t a game you know Steve

I never said it was just give me a kiss and ill go

(They share a quick kiss and he waves her goodbye as she reverses out the car park, Lindsey is stood behind a wall irritated)

Tuesday 11 December 2012

4th draft





SCENE 132/1. EXT HOME                                                                                           (8:00)

(Steven and Lindsey are walking out of the house, the neighbours stare as they get into the car)


Why does she have to stare at us like that?


(Starts the engine) I don’t know Lindsey just ignore it

(There is and awkward silence until they reach the next set of lights)


(Turns head to Lindsey) Are you okay Lindsey?

(Lindsey ignores her dad and stares out the window)

132/2.  EXT CHURCH                                                                                                   (8:30)

(Steven’s close friends and family are waiting outside the church Debbie is rooting around in her bag)


I wonder where they are, there twenty minutes late…ring them will you


They’ll be here in a minute, don’t be so inpatient mum

(Lindsey and Steven are seen driving up the road)

See they’re here now

(Family and friends approach the car as they get out everyone is silent)


Right well, we all know why we’re here (stares around) let’s get on with it

(Steven grabs his jacket out of the car, swings it over his shoulder and heads toward the church, Lindsey, family and friend follow.)

132/3. INT HOUSE                                                                                                       (9:00)

(Back at Amanda’s house)


(Shouting pacing up and down the room) I can’t believe they didn’t invite me. How can they not invite ME I was her best friend, yeah we had a small argument but so? We were still best friends, she would of wanted me there


(Sat on the sofa with a brew in his hand watching television) There is no point in shouting to me about it, if you’re that bothered then just go, they are most likely not going to make a scene about you being there


I can’t just show up…(Stops pacing) actually yes I can, I can, he can’t stop me…right I’m going

(Amanda grabs her keys and coat and heads to the door)


Okay I’m going,

(Amanda slams the door and gets into the car)


(Whispering to herself) I can do this, I can do this

(Amanda puts the keys in the car and stares out the window)

(Banging on the window)


You forgot your bag!!

(Amanda winds her window down and takes the bag)


Don’t tell me you hope it goes okay its fine

(Amanda winds her window up and drives away)

132/4. EXT CHURCH                                                                                                   (9:15)

(Amanda pulls up next to the church and everyone starts to exit, she gets out the car and walks over to Steven)


(Whispering angrily) What do you think you are doing here? You shouldn’t be here you wasn’t invited and I don’t want you here so please just go home


(Whispering angrily) Listen I was her best friend I have a right to be here, you might not want be here but she would’ve, I have a right to say goodbye just like all of these people, I’m not here to cause a fuss I just want to show some respect for my best friend


You weren’t mums friend when she died so your not her friend now


(Still whispering angrily) Best friend? Really? Like Lindsey said you meant nothing to her when she died and you mean nothing to her now so go away


(Still whispering angrily) I’m staying no matter what you or Lindsey says, I know who I am to her and that’s all that matters, I know that whatever happened between us she would of wanted me here (Walks to her car)

(People approach Steven and shakes his hand whilst Amanda sits and evilly glares at them)


Right I think we should all be moving along now, c’mon Lindsey (Places his arm around Lindsey and starts to walk her to the car)

(Steven and Lindsey both get into the car, Lindsey stares out the window at the church and a tear fall down her face)


Ey chicken, c’mon don’t cry your mum wouldn’t want you to be sad


You don’t know what mum would want, you’re not her, you don’t know, let’s just go

(Steven says nothing, starts the car and starts to drive away, all the other cars follow)


I didn’t mean to upset you back there


Let’s just not talk about I just want to get this day over with

132/4 INT PUB                                                                                                                        (10:00)

(All the cars pull up outside the pub)


Right c’mon

(Both Lindsey and Steven get out the car and are greeted by the bar owner, they enter the pub were there are some guests already, they all look over as he walks in Steven smiles and walks to the bar)


(Looking at Lindsy whilst reaching into his back pocket to get out his wallet) What do you want to drink hun?


Nothing thanks, I’ll just go sit down

(Steven sighs and shakes his head, Lindsey sits down at a near seat and looks around to see a few people staring at her, she looks down and pulls out her phone)


(Walking over to Lindsey) Ey Lindsey my first ones free because it’s our event

LINDSEY:(Looks up to  her dad with a shocked face) How can you say that..


(Interrupting) Oh no hun, I didn’t mean it like that… your mum would want us to be happy not all sad


Dad it’s mums funeral so sorry if I don’t find your stupid jokes funny


I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you again…(Takes a sip of his drink) look Emily’s over there are you not going to say hello

Lindsey gets up and walks over to the door where Emily is stood)


Hey are you okay? Here this is for you (Reaches in her bad and pulls out a card, she reaches out to give it to Lindsey)


I’m as okay as I can be on a day like this, thanks for coming though I’m glad you’re here, my dad’s been trying to ‘lighten the mood’ all day and I’m not in the mood for him


Oh god, he has to just put on a brave face for everyone else and im sure he wants to keep you happy, have you not found anything else out yet?


Well I can tell you he’s not doing a very good job and nope nothing, I think I’m wrong, I haven’t found anything other than my dad acting strange but that’s bound to happen because he’s just lost his wife right?


Yeah that’s what it will be, (Looks over to Lindsey’s dad who is joined by a couple of friends) It must be hard for him, you shouldn’t be so uptight with him Lindsey especially on a day like this, I know you’ve lost your mum but he has lost his wife to


(Looks over to her dad) I know I shouldn’t but it’s just hard to not be today, I just can’t be happy

132/5. EXT PUB                                                                                                                       (10:30)

(Outside there are a few people having a cigarette, a car pulls up and a woman gets out…phone rings)


Hello…yes I’ve just got here now, I shouldn’t be to long…about an hour or so...yeah, okay bye, bye

(Kate grabs her bag and walks into the pub)

132/6 INT PUB                                                                                                                        (10:35)

(Kate stares around the pub, Steven notices her and walks over smiling)


Hey, I’m glad you made it

(Kate smiles back)


I can’t stay for too long, he’ll be wondering where I am

(Lindsey walks over)


Right well..

(Lindsey interrupts)


Who’s this dad?


Oh Lindsey I didn’t see you there, this is my err…secretary


Your secretary? That’s funny you’ve never mentioned you secretary before


That’s only because I don’t like to talk about work at home sweetheart…Kate this is my daughter, Lindsey

(Kate reaches out her hand to Lindsey, Lindsey ignores the gesture and walks over to the bar)


(To Barman) A coke please


Well its clear a certain someone doesn’t like me…and your secretary really? Could of thought of something better than that


Well I had to think on the spot she would’ve clicked on if I said you was a close friend of her  mum’s…anyway how long have you got?


Only about an hour, I told Jerry I was popping to my mum, the last thing I want right now is him going up there and asking where I am


Who cares what he does, im sure you can think of something, now come over here so we can have a proper talk

(Steven and Kate walk over to  less crowded area of the pub, Kate pulls her bag up to her shoulder and they both begin to whisper angrily each other)


I do care about him you know, none of this is his fault he shouldn’t be the one who gets hurt


Please you can’t be serious, I know what you care about, and it’s not him it’s what’s in his pocket


Your one to speak, you only married that despicable woman to get one over and me, and now look at you crawling back


Okay! Let’s stop this it’s not going to help, and I can see a certain someone is keeping a very close eye on us, so lets go over and act like we have just had a conversation about work okay?


You can’t just keep brushing this conversation off, its not just going to go away on it’s own


You don’t think I know that Kate, your part is as big as mine in this, but for now I need to put a brave face on for my daughter so come on

(Kate and Steven walk over to Lindsey)


(Stroking Lindsey’s hair) Sorry about that sweetheart we just had a to discuss some work


I’m just going to nip to the toilet, I won’t be long


Can I get you or drink or anything for when you come back?


No, best not I’m driving (Kate walks away)


So who is she really dad?


Kate?...She’s my secretary  darling


You really expect me to believe that you have never mentioned her before but she is your work secretary?...why’s she even here anyway she didn’t even know mum


What’s so hard to believe darling? She just has some trouble with some work so I told her where I am and I suggested she stopped for an hour, that’s all


Yeah okay whatever

(Kate walks out of the bathroom and Lindsey walks away and goes and sits with her best friend)


Who’s that then with you your dad?


He says it’s his secretary at work and she had a problem with work or something


And do you believe him?


I’m not sure, since mum died I don’t know what to believe


I can feel her staring Steven, I don’t like it


She’ll just be suspicious, it’s like all the young ones these days don’t worry I’ll sort it


We can’t be having people being suspicious Steve, especially your own daughter, not when where in a situation like this


I said I’d sort it and I will, the more you get worked up the more suspicious people will get, we just act like we are work mates and that will be it, trust me will you


Well sorry if I find it hard to trust people, I’ve ended up in this situation, it’s not exactly easy for me to trust

(Phone rings)


It’s him, I best take this outside

132/8. EXT PUB                                                                                                                       (11:15)


Hey sweetheart

132/9. INT PUB                                                                                                                       (11:15)

(Inside the pub Jessica and Lindsey stare out the window at Kate)


Who do you think she’s speaking to?


I don’t know, probably someone who she doesn’t want to know that she is here


Or maybe because it’s quiet outside? Things don’t have to always be drastic you know


C’mon it’s my dad nothing has ever been simple or straight forward since mum died.

(Kate puts the phone down and walks back to the pub, Jessica and Lindsey sit back down)


I best go, he’s wondering where I am




Yes already, I told you I didn’t have long, now are you going to walk me out?

(Steven puts down his pint and follows Kate out the door, Lindsey follows shortly after. Steven goes in to give Kate a kiss goodbye as she unlocks her car)


(Whispering angrily) what are you doing? Do you want us to get caught?


No of course not I just want a proper goodbye, it’s not a lot to ask, no one can see


This isn’t a game you know Steve


I never said it was just give me a kiss and ill go

(They share a quick kiss and he waves her goodbye as she reverses out the car park, Lindsey is stood behind a wall irritated)